Information Corner

What is Periodontology?

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It is the branch of dentistry that deals with the diseases and treatment of soft (gum) and hard (alveolar bone) tissues surrounding the teeth.


  • Bleeding
  • Swelling, redness of the gums
  • Gingival recession and sensitivity on exposed root surfaces,
  • Bad odor and taste in the mouth.
  • Shaking, elongation, displacement of teeth,


  • Weighing
  • Curettage
  • Surgical treatment of gingival recessions,
  • Surgical treatment of gingival enlargements,
  • Surgical applications to treat tissue loss due to gingival diseases,
  • Bone grafts,
  • Membrane applications,
  • Soft tissue grafts,
  • Surgical applications for gingival aesthetics.


The minerals present in your saliva accumulate on the surface of the tooth along with the nutrients that enter the mouth. There is plaque accumulation that gives the teeth a sticky feeling. If dental plaque is not removed with regular oral hygiene, it may begin to harden. As the amount of hardening increases, tartar formation can be seen. It is usually light in color and has a yellowish appearance. Due to the food and drinks accumulated on the dental calculus, its color may darken.


  • Brushing your teeth at least twice a day
  • Using a mouth shower
  • Using dental floss to remove plaque between teeth,
  • Reduce the consumption of coffee, tea.
  • Eating regularly
  • Avoiding the use of cigarettes and tobacco products,
  • Staying away from sugary and acidic foods as much as possible,
  • To use the hard toothbrush recommended by the physician for you.
  • Regularly visiting the dentist


  • After the cleaning process, it is possible to have leakage in the gums and to experience cold and hot sensitivity for a few days.
  • In order for the treatment to be successful, it is very important to pay attention to oral care. The same problem may arise if oral care is not taken care of.
  • Tooth brushing and flossing should be continued. Antiseptic mouthwashes can also be used. In the first days, light bleeding may occur. It’s normal.
  • It is necessary to go to the dentist for a control every 6 months

What is achieved as a result of treatment?

After the treatment, the teeth are clean, the gum is light pink in color, hard consistency and bleeding-free. If very advanced bone destruction has occurred due to the disease, the length of the teeth may increase after the operation. But the tissues that support the teeth are healthy. Today, the technical facilities we have are at a level that can solve almost all periodontal problems. However, if the amount of bone remaining around the tooth is at the treatment level, tooth extraction is also included in the treatment plan.

Factors that reduce the success of periodontal operation;

  • Diabetes
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Cigarette
  • Some mental disorders,
  • Blood diseases,
  • Immune system disorders,
  • Cortisone use and radiation therapy.

Careful and meticulous care to be applied to the wound area after the operation, tooth brushing and interface cleaning are critical for the success of the treatment.


It is a serious gum infection that can damage the soft tissue around the teeth, leading to the destruction of the bone that supports the teeth inside the mouth if its treatment is delayed. Gum recession can lead to loosening of the teeth or tooth loss.

This common problem is often preventable. The reason for the occurrence is usually that oral care cannot be done at the ideal level. Brushing teeth, flossing and regular dental examinations at least twice a day; While reducing the likelihood of gum recession, it offers a successful treatment process in case of the development of the problem.

How can gum recession be prevented?

  • Teeth should be brushed at least twice a day,
  • Floss should be used
  • Interface brush should be used
  • Dental examinations should not be neglected.
  • Thanks to these controls, factors that may cause gingival recession such as dry mouth, use of some drugs, smoking are monitored under control and follow-up.

What is pink aesthetics?

In people who want to have an aesthetic smile, the presence of a gum compatible with these teeth is also necessary because the aesthetic smile cannot be provided only with white and smooth teeth. Aesthetic applications on the gums are called pink aesthetics.

In order for the smile to be completed flawlessly, the gum, teeth, lips and jaw must be in harmonious harmony.

While the gums may need to be reduced a little, the gums that appear too much can be shaped. The gums should be healthy before the aesthetic application on the gums. Healthy gums should be pink in color, without bleeding and with a slightly lumpy surface. If there is swelling, redness and bleeding in the gums, it is necessary to treat the gums before gingival aesthetics. In this case, different treatments such as gingival curettage may be required as well as tartar cleaning (detertrajing).

Pink aesthetics are provided by gently touching the lip of the two teeth located in the front middle part during the smile, the imaginary line at the apex and thought to pass through the gums. In some cases, the alignment of the teeth, not only the gums, can be problematic. In such a case, the gums should be corrected first and then completed with other treatments.

In some cases, due to the receding gums, the root surfaces become visible and the dental crown appears too long. When such a problem is encountered, gingival graft is applied to close the root surface, ensuring that both the gums are healthy and the aesthetic appearance is ensured.


“The incidence of gum disease in smokers is 4 times higher than in non-smokers. Other tobacco products as well; It should be known that it has negative effects on the gum and surrounding tissues.

In elderly patients who smoke for a long time, the likelihood of severe periodontitis is 3 times higher, while tooth loss increases with the year of smoking.

In young individuals, the incidence of periodontitis is approximately 4 times higher in smokers than in non-smokers.

It should be known that products such as cigars, pipes, hookahs produce similar and / or more severe effects on the gum and surrounding tissues.

It also adversely affects the treatment process.It delays healing.

Smoking also has side effects on the treatment of gum disease (surgical, non-surgical and peri-implant treatments).

It’s not too late to quit!

Risk in smokers; less than in smokers and more in non-smokers, but the risk decreases with the increase in the duration of non-smoking. For this reason, taking steps to quit smoking; It is of great importance to reduce the severity of gum diseases and to carry out the treatment with more positive results.


Drug-induced gingival growths are a very common problem today. These problems discourage the physicians and patients who perform the treatment in the use of drugs and adversely affect the success of the treatment applied.

Oral birth control medications can cause gum disease. These drugs are steroidal drugs, also known as contraceptives, that are taken by mouth and contain estrogen and progesterone. Originally, hormonal changes are known to increase periodontal sensitivity. Studies have shown that differences in the levels of sex hormones increase gingivitis. This is also the reason why gingivitis cases are more common in women during pregnancy. Birth control medications also lead to changes in hormone levels.

Systemic Diseases Also Affect the Gums!

However, many systemic diseases, disorders or conditions; is a risk factor for gum disease. The most obvious example of the effect of a systemic inflammatory disease on the gums; diabetes. Gum disease has been identified as a complication of diabetes. In diabetes, the link between systemic inflammation and gum disease; reveals the two-way relationship between local and distant organs. In this relationship, the cells involved in the immune system are thought to play a main role. Other systemic inflammatory diseases, such as blood disorders, can also exacerbate gingivitis. Systemic diseases caused by viruses and other microorganisms can also affect gum disease. These individuals need to pay attention to oral and gum health. Likewise; Due to the fact that some systemic diseases have gum and oral findings, frequent dental check-ups are recommended.