Information Corner

Bleaching (Teeth Whitening)

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What Should Be Done For This Situation That Affects Our Self-Confidence?

In some teeth, discoloration occurs in the teeth as a result of the drugs we use, the food and drinks consumed (tea, coffee, fruit juice, wine) or as a result of smoking. These can affect people’s smiles and cause self-esteem problems. You can learn how to eliminate such problems by consulting your dentist.

Why is teeth whitening needed?

Shape and color disorders in the teeth cause psychological disorders. Thanks to the development of aesthetic and restorative materials in dentistry, many color, shape and position disorders are easily solved. The bleaching method of colored teeth, which is among them, is more economical, easy and effortless than other restorative methods.

Home Bleaching

By taking measurements through the mouth, appropriate bleaching plates are prepared specifically for the person. A certain amount of tooth whitening gel is applied into this prepared plaque. It is checked by the physician.

Office Teeth Whitening

The whitening gel applied to the teeth by the dentist is activated with the help of UV light or laser and the whitening process takes an average of one hour. During this procedure, the gums are isolated with filling-like materials in order to protect the gums. Before this procedure, tartar and plaque should be removed and the clean surface of the tooth should be exposed. It should not be forgotten that in case of caries in the teeth, restorations that need to be changed or broken areas, the dentist may recommend other treatments.

How Long Does the Retention of the Tooth Whitening Process Last?

Although it varies depending on the factors that vary from person to person, the whiteness of the teeth continues between 3 months and 3-4 years. In individuals with high use of tea, coffee and cigarettes, the life of the acquired whiteness is shorter, but in other individuals, the life of whiteness can be much longer.

What are the harms of natural or unnatural alternative teeth whitening procedures?

Bleaching with baking soda, lemon, turmeric, coconut, strawberry, aluminum foil, apple cider vinegar, walnut shell, bleach is tried. However, such substances do not have any benefit to whiten the teeth and cause irreversible damage and sensitivity on the teeth. It should never be used. The only way to do is to consult a dentist and do not neglect your check-ups.

Can root canal teeth be whitened?

Discoloration may occur in the teeth that have undergone root canal treatment or need to be seen. These may occur due to the loss of vitality of the tooth or the canal filling materials used. In this case, it is important to understand why the tooth is colored, it allows us to correctly determine the treatment that needs to be done. There is a possibility of whitening such a tooth due to the discoloration of the root canal due to the conditions related to the root canal treatment. It is possible to whiten the root canal treated (darkened) tooth with special whiteners. Darkening teeth can be whitened with whitening agents to be used in the sessions that the dentist will apply in two to three sessions according to the need.